Many of the people of the Middle East are not extinct. Their old national names have been replaced with different names. As they moved to new locations, they were given new names by the nations around them. They have simply been renamed. Those same races of people today will play a role in prophecy at the end time. We will cover the origin of the races, their history and WHERE THEY ARE TODAY! We will discuss the major nations that are mentioned in the Old Testament and explain where they went. We will discuss the major tribes mentioned in the Bible — 7 major tribes in Canaan, Moab, Ammon, Hittites, Elam, Medes and Persians.
First, we will discuss the Canaanite tribes and find out where they went. There were 12 Canaanite tribes and they are the descendants of Canaan. These are Canaan’s sons.
[Genesis 10:] Table of Nations Chapter 15 Canaan begot Sidon his firstborn, and Heth; 16 the Jebusite, the Amorite, and the Girgashite; 17 the Hivite, the Arkite, and the Sinite; 18 the Arvadite, the Zemarite, and the Hamathite.
The earliest definite reference to the Canaanites is a Sumerian text in Syria from the 18th century BCE . It’s not until the Amarna Letters from the mid-14th century BCE that we have Egyptian references to Canaan.
The Israelites were commanded to be wiped out seven of the tribes in the land of Canaan. All of these nations were larger and mightier than the Israelites. Some were giants.
Deu 7:1When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou;
Deuteronomy 7:2 “and when the LORD your God delivers them over to you, you shall conquer them and utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them nor show mercy to them”.
Where did these tribes go? Did they disappear? Three of these tribes were Canaanites, 2 were the descendant of Esau, and three tribes were GIANTS.
Kenizzites- A Canaanite tribe
Kenizzites descended from Kenaz the son of Eliphaz who was the firstborn son of Esau and his Hittite wife Adah. Also Caleb’s grandson was a Kenizzite from the son of Elah. II Chron 4:15”’
Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible By David Noel Freedman, Allen C. Myers:
“Kenaz or Kenzzite – A son of Eliphaz, the firstborn son of Esau and Adah. Gen 36:1. This Kenaz, ordinarily understood to be the ancestor of the Kenizzites, functioned as an Edomite clan chief.”
Kenites – A Canaanites tribe
The Kenites came from the south: Midian, Edom, and the Arabah. Jethro, son of Reuel the Midianite, who aided the Israelites in the desert and served as their pathfinder. Reuel was Esau’s son by his marriage to Basemath, daugther of Ishmael. (Num. 10:29–32), He was also known as the Kenite (Judg. 1:16; 4:11). Enoch, son of Cain (Gen. 4:17), is also mentioned among the Midianites (Gen. 25:4; I Chron. 1:33). Balaam’s prophecy about the Kenites, “Though your abode be secure, and your nest be set among cliffs” (Num. 24:21) appears to be a reference to the mountains of Midian and Edom (cf. Obad. 3–4), and Sela (“cliffs”) designates perhaps the Edomite town of Sela (today al-Saʿl near Baṣrah) around which rich copper deposits were located. The house of Rechab, which had preserved traditions of the time of the Exodus, was related to the Kenites (I Chron. 2:55),
Kadmonites – A Canaanites tribe
They were the only oriental tribe in the land of Canaan at the time of the Exodus.
hEnglish – advanced version Dictionary:
Orientals, the name of a Canaanitish tribe which inhabited the north-eastern part of Palestine in the time of Abraham ( Genesis 15:19 ). Probably they were identical with the “children of the east,” who inhabited the country between Palestine and the Euphrates.
Girgasite – A Canaanite tribe
The Girgasite were the Gergesene in Mt 8:28. During the time of Christ, they lived in Gerasa, or Gadara. When they left their country to Israel, being forced to it by Joshua, they went into a country which to this day is called Gurgestan. Gurgestan was Georgia. They are the descendants of Georgia. Let’s see the proof:
The Young Man’s Companion By George Fisher
“Georgia, formerly called Iberia, including Mingrelis and Gurgestan, is bounded on the North by part of Russia, on the West by the Euxine Sea, and the south by Turcomanis, and part of Persia, on the East by part by Persia; and the cities of the greatest note are Fasso and Tefflis.”
The Journey of William of Rubruck to the Eastern Parts of the World, 1253-55 … By Willem van Ruysbroeck, Giovanni
“The Persian writers claim that Georgia was Gurgestan”. P 264
Gill’s Expostion of the whole Bible
Jewish writer (l) says, left their country to the Israelites, and went to a country, which is called to this day, “Gurgestan”, of which these people were some remains: both in Mark 5:1 it is called “the country of the Gadarenes”
Horites – A Canaanite tribe
The Hurrians (the Horites of the Old Testament) also came to Canaan from the north. They became the Urartu who were the enemies of the Assyrians. The Assyrians tried to subdue these people for centuries but they were never able to defeat them. They lived near Lake Van also called Nairi. They are the Hurrians and descended from the Mitannite Kingdom.
As Toynbee’s istorical Atlas shows, the Mitannite kingdom was divided into two parts – the Winter pasture called Padan Nahram or Aram and the high Winter pastuthat became Urartu. They are described in the Assyrian cuneiform as the land between the rivers holding 60 tribes and 100 cities. Nairi was the dominant and royal tribe. They formed the core of the Mitannite Kingdom. Egypt under Thutmose I and II tried to catch but they could not be trapped.
Rephaim – A Canaanite tribe
From the Watchtower,
“A tall people or tribe. There is uncertainty as to the meaning and origin of the name. Likely, they were called Rephaim because of being descendants of a man named Raphah. At 2 Samuel 21:16 ha·Ra·phah′ (literally, the Raphah) seems to employ the father’s name to stand for the entire giant race.”
At some early period the Rephaim evidently dwelt E of the Dead Sea. The Moabites, who dispossessed them, referred to the Rephaim as Emim (“Frightful Things”). The Ammonites called them Zamzummim (possibly from a root meaning “have in mind; scheme”). (De 2:10, 11, 19, 20) When King Chedorlaomer of Elam came W to fight five rebellious kings near the Dead Sea (taking Lot captive), he defeated the Rephaim in Ashteroth-karnaim. (Ge 14:1, 5) This locates the Rephaim at that time in Bashan, E of the Jordan. Shortly thereafter God said that he would give Abraham’s descendants the Promised Land, which included territory where the Rephaim lived.—Ge 15:18-20.
More than 400 years later, just before Israel entered Canaan, “the land of the Rephaim” was still identified with Bashan. There the Israelites defeated Og the king of Bashan (De 3:3, 11, 13; Jos 12:4; 13:12), who alone “remained of what was left of the Rephaim.” It is uncertain whether this means that he was the last king of the Rephaim or that he was the last of the Rephaim in that section, for Rephaim were shortly found W of the Jordan.
In the Promised Land the Israelites had problems with the Rephaim, for some of them persisted in the forests of the mountainous region of Ephraim. The sons of Joseph were afraid to drive them away. (Jos 17:14-18) When David was fighting the Philistines, he and his servants struck down four men “born to the Rephaim in Gath.” One of them was described as “a man of extraordinary size whose fingers and toes were in sixes, twenty-four.” The description of their armor indicates that they were all men of great stature. One of these was “Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite.” (1Ch 20:4-8) This Goliath, whom David killed, was in height six cubits and a span 9.5 ft. (1Sa 17:4-7) The account at 2 Samuel 21:16-22 reads “Goliath,” instead of “the brother of Goliath,” as at 1 Chronicles 20:5, which may indicate that there were two Goliaths. )
1992 New World Book Ency “ The Palestinians are the descendants of the Canaanites.
Let’s start with Ezek 36:1 (NKJV) “And you, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say, ‘O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD!
When one hears the term “The West Bank” what you are really hearing is “the mountains of Israel” because they both describe nearly identical land. The mountains of Israel are Biblically described as Samaria and Judea. West Bank simply means that region of Jordan lying west of the Jordan River.
Hittites – A Canaanites tribe
According to the mysterious but incredible Table of Nations, these Hittites were brown descendants of Heth, son of Canaan. The name Hittite comes from the name Heth. It means “warrior”.
Numbers 13:29 speaks of the Hittites as dwelling in the hill country. This also harmonizes with what archaeology has shown us. The Hittites greatest power was in modern Turkey but extended down to the hill country north of Canaan. The Hittites settled down mostly in central Anatolia, while the Luvians established themselves in the southwest, and the Palaians spread out to the north. They were called the Hatti.
During the time of King David and Solomon the Hittites were on the control of the nation of Israel. II Chronicles 8:7 tells us that Solomon levied a tribute on “the people that were left of the Hittites.”
Studies at Hattusas, the capital of the Hittite Empire, has revealed that the Hittites were a mighty nation. In II Kings 7:6 the Hittites are joined with the ancient Egyptians against Samaria. They said, “Lo, the king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hittites, and the kings of the Egyptians, to come upon us.”
Fall of the Hittites
However, it was not Assyria which caused the fall of the Hittite Empire. The blow was delivered by the so-called “Sea People,”. This was a group who attacked much of the Middle East by land and sea around 1200 BC. The Sea People are believed to be the people of Phoencian. The people of Phoencian were Canaanites according to new DNA research.
During the same timeframe, a new wave of people swept into the region, the Phrygians. Even the might of the Hittite Empire could not hold back the tide.
Where did the Hittites Go?
When Phrygians moved through the Anatolian Peninsula, they drove many of the Hittites into the lands of Syria. But that is not the only place they went.
Notice what the Encyclopedia Britannica says:
“The earliest known inhabitants of the country [Germany] were the Chatti, who lived here during the first century a.d. ‘Alike both in race and language,’ says Walther Schultze, ‘the Chatti and the Hessi are identical’” (”Hesse,” vol. 13). Furthermore, the Old High German spelling of Hesse was Hatti!
They were the Hessians in history. The Hessians were known for the military skill and worked as Mercenaries. The Hessian army were the same people who fought George Washington on Christmas Day crossing the Delaware. Also Napoleon marched into Germany to unseat the Hessian Prince, Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau. He left $3,000,000 to Nathan Mayer and fled to Denmark. The money was never returned to Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau. This is how Nathan Mayer Rothschild got their start, they invested this money and started their own banks. Also rented out the Hessiah Army!!!
Creation Wiki says, “Heth”
The only dark people anywhere on the face of this planet bearing the name Hatti or Chatti (that is, Hittites) are amongst the American Indians. Europeans first encountered them in New England and in the plains of America. The inter-tribal name of the plains confederation of the Indians was “Chatti”. The main tribe was the Sioux, living in both North and South Dakota. Even today, they call themselves Očhéti Šakówį.
They are an exception to the rule that the American Indians are brachycephalic (i.e. round-headed), a characteristic of Mongoloids- the Sioux are actually long-headed (dolichocephalic). Their features are quite different too. For example, their noses are hooked and longer than most Indians.
Jebusites – A Canaanite tribe
The Jebusites, who are identical with the Hittites, derived their name from the city of Jebus, the ancient Jerusalem, which they inhabited. Within their territory lay the cave of Machpelah, which Abraham wished to buy.
The legend is as follows:
But they said to him: “We know that God will give this country to your descendants. Now, if you will make a covenant with us that Israel will not take the city of Jebus against the will of its inhabitants, we will cede to you the cave and will give you a bill of sale.” Abraham, who was very anxious to obtain this holy burial-place, thereupon made a covenant with the Jebusites, who engraved its contents on bronze. When the people of Israel came into the promised land they could not conquer Jebus (Judges i. 21) because the bronze figures, with Abraham’s covenant engraved thereon, were standing in the center of the city.
King David, to whom the Jebusites said: “You can not enter the city of Jebus until you have destroyed the bronze figures on which Abraham’s covenant with our ancestors is engraved.” David thereupon promised a position of captain to the person who should destroy the figures; and Joab secured the prize (comp. II Sam. v. 6; I Chron. xi. 6).
David then took the city of Jebus from its owners; the right of appeal to the covenant with Abraham had been forfeited by them through the war they had waged against Joshua; and after the figures themselves had been destroyed, David had not to fear even that the people would reproach him with having broken the covenant. Nevertheless he paid the inhabitants in coin the full value of the city (comp. II Sam. xxiv. 24; I Chron. xxi. 25), collecting the money from all the tribes of Israel; so that the Holy City became their common property (Pirḳe R. El. xxxvi.; comp. David Luria’s notes in his commentary ad loc.; on the money paid for Jerusalem, comp. Midr. Shemu’el xxxii., beginning; Sifre, Num. 42; Zeb. 16b).
Those asserting Jebusite heritage essentially argue that Jerusalem is rightfully theirs because Israel’s own scriptures say that Jebusite possession predated the Jewish claim. The Jebusites dwelt among the tribe of Benjamin and they apparently mixed with them..
Amorites – A Canaanite tribe
The Amorites were a tall and handsome people. They are depicted with white skins, blue eyes, and reddish hair, all the characteristics, in fact, of the white race” (Sayce’s The Hittites). The similarity in language, history and religion made some historians believe that the Arameans and the Amorites were one and the same people.
British Museum states:
Many Amorites had moved southwards along the Euphrates river and settled throughout Mesopotamia By 1900 BC. They seem to have been concentrated in the land of Babylon because Almost all of the local kings in Babylonia (such as Hammurabi of Babylon) belonged to this stock.
During the second millennium, the Amorite population of Syria fell under the control of the Hittite Empire. When the Hittite Empire collapsed in the twelfth century BC, the Amorites re-emerge as the Aramaeans or the Chaldeans. We know the Chaldeans were the Babylonians of ancient times. The Chaldean tribes came from the west (from the Syrian desert) in the second millenium BC. Most historians now regard them as Aramean tribes. However, the Chaldean tribes were not mentioned in history until 878 B.C. We find that account in the writings of King Assurbanipal II –(a so bani pan).
Shalmaneser III,900 BC who destroyed many of the small tribes, and gave control of Aramea (modern Syria) and local trade and natural resources to the Assyrians. The portion of the Arameans population that had migrated to or were deported to Assyria and Babylonia intermixed with the Assyria and Babylonia.
It was also commonly known that these Chaldean or Babylonias and Aramean tribes fought against the Assyrian occupying power during several hundred of years. From the 8th century up to the end of the 7th century BC. a great part of the Assyrians began to use the Aramaic language owing to its simplicity and because of the great number of Arameans and Chaldeans amongst the inhabitants of the country .
Assyria Falls to Chaldeans and Medes
In 612 B.C. the Chaldo-Arameans together with the Medes succeeded in destroying the Assyrian Empire. All through the ages, Babylonia and Assyria were called Bet Aramaye, i.e.the land of the Arameans. This applied even when the Arabs took over these lands. It is true that Bet Aramaye has become a synonym with Iraq. Arameans were to be the majority population in their homeland (most of modern Syria and part of south central Asia Minor) until well after the Islamic conquest of the 7th century AD.
Amorites today
The close similarity in language, history and religion made some historians believe that the Arameans and the Amorites were one and the same people. They are located in the land of Syria.
The Land of Jordan – Ammon & Moab
According to the biblical account, Ammon and Moab were born to Lot and Lot’s younger and elder daughters. The Bible refers to both the Ammonites and Moabites as the “children of Lot”. Genesis 19:37-38 Ammon is a reference to the northern third of the modern state of Jordan, bordered on the west by the Jordan river.
More than 70% of Jewish men and half of the Arab men (inhabitants of Israel and the occupied territories only) whose DNA was studied inherited their Y-chromosomes from the same paternal ancestors who lived in the region within the last few thousand years.
Biblical History
Throughout the Bible, the Ammonites and Israelites were enemies. During the Exodus, the Israelites were prohibited by the Ammonites from passing through their lands. In the Book of Judges, the Ammonites work with Eglon, king of the Moabites against Israel. Attacks by the Ammonites on Israelite communities were frequent under Saul. (2 Samuel 8:12, 10). When Nahash (means “snake”), the king of the Ammonites, agreed to spare the Israelites of Jabesh-Gilead only if the Israelites allowed Nahash to gouge out the right eye of every man. Saul came to their rescue and defeated the Ammonites (1 Samuel 11). Throughout his reign, Saul made war on the Ammonites (1 Samuel 14:47).
They seem to have been completely subdued by David and their capital was taken. After suffering military defeats in the time of Saul and David the Ammonites became vassals of Judah and Israel. However we are also told that Nahash of Rabbah showed kindness to him when he was a fugitive (2 Samuel 17:27 – 29).
During the time of the Maccabees, the Ammonites resisted Judas Maccabaeus (1 Maccabees 5:6; cf. Josephus Jewish Antiquities xii.8.1). The Ammonites under Timotheus were defeated by Judas (1 Maccabees 5:6). Justin Martyr (second century) Dialogue with Trypho (§ 119), mentions the Amorites being found in south of Palestine..
DEUTERONOMY 2:09 And the Lord said to me, Distress not the Moabites, neither contend with them in battle: for I will not give you of their land for a possession; because I have given Ar to the children of Lot for a possession.
THEY WERE KNOWN AS A CRUEL PEOPLE. Their god, Molech was a fire-god with the face of a calf; his images had arms outstretched to receive the babies who were sacrificed to him. Similarly, the Moabites exhibited an inhumane disposition by hiring Balaam to destroy the Jewish people by the power of his curse.
Concerning the Ammonites, thus saith the LORD; Hath Israel no sons? hath he no heir? why then doth their king inherit Gad, and his people dwell in his cities? (Jeremiah 49:1) In other words how is it “Jordanians” possess the God-given territory of the children of Israel? Num 25:1-3 Israel married with in Moabite.
This coincides directly with the lost historical accounts as given to us in Chapter 47 verse 6 of the Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America (Circle 7) by Prophet Noble Drew Ali where it says and I quote:
“The Moabites from the land of Moab who received permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle and inhabit North-West Africa; they were the founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire. With their Canaanite, Hittite, and Amorite bretheren who sojourned from the land of Canaan seeking new homes.”
The Moorish alliance never forgot their Moabi origin. Christian chronicles sometimes referred to the Almoravids as “Moabites”.
In 711 AD, the now Islamic Moors conquered Visigoths. Tariq ibn-Ziyad, brought most of Iberia under Islamic rule in an eight-year campaign. When he moved across the Pyrenees Mountains in Spain, he were defeated by the Frank Charles Martel at the Battle of Poitiers in 732. Also there was the defeat of the Byzantines at Manzikert in 1071 CE, which lead to the Crusades, to the defeat of the Ottomans at the gates of Vienna in 1683 CE.
The Moabites are the founders of the present city of Mecca and why Sultan Abdul Aziz Ibu Suad listed as “The descendant of Hagar, now the head of the Holy City of Mecca”. Hubal was a Moabite deity imported into Mecca and was the chief deity in Mecca before Allah. Hubal was one of the 360 idols found in the Mecca and destroyed by Prophet Mohammad.
Noble Drew Ali succinctly states in Act 6 of our Divine Constitution and By-Laws of the Moorish Science Temple of America that “The Moorish Americans [so called black people] are descendants of the ancient Moabites who inhabited the Northwestern and Southwestern shores of Africa.”
“When the Moors were driven out, thousands took refuge in the South of France, who abhorring the Roman Catholic persecutions, became Huguenots, and that of these many emigrated to a later date to South Carolina…” (Coppee 1881 pg. 445-46)
Today they are called the Berbers. Medieval and early modern Europeans applied the name to the Berbers for the Moors.
Elam, a Descendant of Shem
Historian, Los, maintaining that the Elamites we find depicted on the monuments are round-headed (brachycephalic;) and have a receding forehead like the Sumeriansand all experts are aware of the fact that they were white and definitely not brown Arabic Semites. Professor Coon informs us that the Samartians were White and in no way may be considered as Mongoloid.
The Elamites came into unfortunate conflict with Assyria;. The powerful Assyrians; mercilessly invaded Elam, sacked Susa; their capital, and slaughtered many of them. Thus they became eternal enemies. Later, Elam was destroyed by Media; (c 640 BC) together with their capital, Susa;. This ended the Elamite power, even though Cyrus, King of Persia, made Susa one of his capitals a century later. Those that escaped migrated to find a new homeland. Where did the Elamites eventually settle down? Who might be the modern descendants of Elam today?
Pliny mentions that they were part of the Scythian hordes. They conquered western Scythia in Roman times and reached the Carpathian mountains, naming them the Sarmatian mountains and is so called throughout the ancient Book of Vles. We know that the Sarmatians were an Iranian-speaking people. Artistic objects were comparable to those of Elam and Mesopotamia. Many authors of the early twentieth century agree that the western Slavs descend from the Sarmatians. That would make many of the European Baltic nations the descendants of Elam!
Today one of main sections of ancient Elam would include Bushehr Province with the capital city of Bushehr. On a map of the Persian Gulf, Bushehr would be directly across from Kuwait. Bushehr is very important today because it is the location of Iran’s nuclear facility and has the attention of the world. Thus, the physical location of ancient Elam is critical today.
Jeremiah 49:34,35 The word of the LORD that came to Jeremiah the prophet against Elam in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the chief of their might.
(36) And upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and will scatter them toward all those winds; and there shall be no nation whither the outcasts of Elam shall not come. (39) But it shall come to pass in the latter days, that I will bring again the captivity of Elam, saith the LORD.
Today the old land of Elam is in Iran. But the descendants of Elam went above the Black Sea near the Scythians. They eventually moved into Eastern Europe and are the ancestors of the Slavic nations in the Balkins.
Regarding Madai and the Medes, Josephus states: “Now as to Javan and Madai, the sons of Japhet; from Madai came the Madeans, who are called Medes, by the Greeks; (Ant. Jews, op. cit.)” Media is the area occupied by the Kurds or Kurdistan, which includes Turkey and Iraq and into Georgia and Iran. The Kurds today are the descendants of the Medes. Let’s see the proof:
Proof # 1:
“A Great mass of the Kurds are descended from the Medes though some are the the successors of Mantieni, Kadusii, and Kassaei or Saqae. “ Konrad Mannert 1756-1834 Prussian historian and geographer.
Proof # 2:
The Western Part of the mountain region of Media was anciently called the Zagros, is part of the Modern Kurdistan and Luristan” Israel Smith Clare (1847-1924)
Proof # 3:
“Kurds along with other Aryan immigrants were able to establish their own empire – the Median Empire –which rules vast areas of the Middles East Between 612 and 519 BC. Since then the Kurds and Kurdistan remained relatively independent “if external rule until the Islamic Conquest in the 7th century AD. Lokman I Meho
Proof # 4:
“The Empire of the Medes, one of the reputed ancestors of the Kurdish People, was the only great national state that may be said to have been established by the Kurds” Wadie Jwaideh
Proof # 5:
“The Medes were the ancestors of Xenophon’s Carduchi and the modern Kurds” M. Chahin
Proof #6:
Language like the Language of the Medes, Kurdish is the Iranian branch of the Indo-European Languages family of Languages. William Eagleton
The Origin Of The Kurdish Language is Mede or Median. The Kurdish language is very similar to the Hittite language.
Persian moved into the Media homeland in 1500 BC. They were originally from the Russian Steppes. They were a small little group inside of the Southern part of the Media Empire. Media the kingdom of the Medes, was overthrown by the rise of the Persians, they were lead by their king Cyrus the Great, of Persia. While the Medes had been busy with the Assyrians, Cyrus had managed to unite under his authority several Persian and Elamite tribes who were not under Median control. Thus in 550 B.C, the Median Empire became a part of the first Persian Empire.
It is possible that the Persians are the descendants of Esau. Esau descendants ruled and help establish Turkey and Turkestan. The 3rd King in the Persia King list was Husham, the descendant of Esau. He is mentioned in scripture:
Gen 36:31 And these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, before there reigned any king over the children of Israel.
Gen 36:34 And Jobab died, and Husham of the land of Temani reigned in his stead.
An universal history: from the earliest accounts to the present time, Volume 4 By George Sale, George Psalmanazar, Archibald Bower, George Shelvocke, John Campbell, John Swinton. Page 2 Also mentions this account. Husham is mentioned in the Bible as the king of the Temanites. Teman is another name of Turkey or Turkestan.
1Ch 1:45 Jobab died, and Husham of the land of the Temanites reigned in his place.1Ch 1:51 Hadad died also. And the dukes of Edom were; duke Timnah, duke Aliah, duke Jetheth, 1Ch 1:52 Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon, 1Ch 1:53 Duke Kenaz, duke Teman, duke Mibzar, 1Ch 1:54 Duke Magdiel, duke Iram. These are the dukes of Edom.
Today Persia is located in the land of Iran.
In Summary,
Many of the people of the Middle East are not extinct. Their descendants are live and well living in the Middle East, Europe and even America. Their old national names have been replaced with different names. As they changed locations they changed names. Those same races of people today will play a role in prophecy at the end time.

you give an interesting historic description of the tribes, but doesn’t clarify who and where they are today. Who you mention the land of Jordan, do you refer to the current Kingdom of Jordan. Who are the people that live in Aleppo today? who are the shiates …why is the whole mess in the Middle East ? who is Assad ? The earth is beautiful … truly beautiful … why can’t we live in peace ? looking after what really matters to humanity ?
We can’t live in peace because we refuse to follow scriptures. I don’t know who Jordan is today. IT was the old land of Moab.
Jethro was not a kenite. Jethro the son of Reuel the midianite means Reuel was a descendant of Midian the son of Abraham and his second wife Keturah. Jethro lived among the Kenites that is why he was called a kenite.
Right I believe he was from the lineage of Basemath and Esau also.
hello im Safari from the Democratique Republic of Congo DRC
i wanted to know if those people like Girgashites, Amorites, Perizzetes, hivites and Jebush are all muslims today. thank you so much for your support, may God bless you more
How Safari Yes that is true thanks for listening and please send more comments. I would love to hear from you.
Jesus is so harsh to the Canaanite woman whose daughter is possessed with the devil in Matthew 15:22-28. Jesus tried to send her away and said…I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24)…but the Canaanite woman pursued and said help me Lord (Matthew 15:25)…and then Jesus said unto the Canaanite woman… It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs (Matthew 15:26)! *CAN YOU BELIEVE JESUS SAID THIS TO THIS WOMAN?* but the Canaanite woman still did not give up and begged Jesus saying…Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table (Matthew 15:27) and…Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour (Matthew 15:28). If the Canaanites were alive in the day of Jesus chances are they are still alive today!
That is absolutely a GREAT COMMENT thanks for sending!!!!!!!!!!
Palestinians are NOT descendants of the Canaanites. Maybe this post is very old, but you need to take a look at newer research and dna.
Hey I would love to see that information please send to me when you have the time. Thanks for listening.
The Kenizzites are mentioned earlier than Esau’s birth in scripture, even before Ishmael’s birth I believe.
Genesis 15:19
Ishmael is born the next chapter.
How is this explained?
Hey Probably a Canaanite tribe. There is not alot of Biblical explanation. thanks for writing.