Who is the Far Country in Scripture?

Can America, Britain, Australia and other Israelites Nations be found in Scripture? What is the NAMES used for these countries in the Bible? Mail this post read more Mail this post
Can America, Britain, Australia and other Israelites Nations be found in Scripture? What is the NAMES used for these countries in the Bible? Mail this post read more Mail this post
This program covers the chronology in the Bible from Adam to the Messiah. Once you understand the correct chronology then you can count the jubilee years correctly. What year are we in today? What does the numbers of those years … read more Mail this post
This program is about the events that have occurred recently. What are the dates the events have occurred on and what do those dates mean? Also what events are coming for the fall of 2015? Mail this post read more Mail this post
We will be showing the parallels between Ancient Israel and the early founding of America. Also we will also show the important dates in America and how they align on the Hebrew Calendar. Mail this post read more Mail this post
This is a national message. Both Gene Porter and Steve Mathe teach about the gathering on the 10 tribes. WHAT IS GOD’S NATIONAL MESSAGE? Mail this post read more Mail this post
Brad Brink covers the regathering of the 12 tribes of Israel. Many people believe that they are raptured before the end times but scriptures shows we are regathered from captivity. Mail this post read more Mail this post