
Your Bible has alot to say about immigration. It gives us the solution for our immmigration problem today. Find out what it says . . . Mail this post read more Mail this post
Your Bible has alot to say about immigration. It gives us the solution for our immmigration problem today. Find out what it says . . . Mail this post read more Mail this post
Who is the tribe of Gad today? The entire history of the tribe of Gad is being told by Steve Mathe. Are they the Germans and Huguenots? Mail this post read more Mail this post
This is the true history of the Talmud. It is composed of many books. We will be quoting from it. Mail this post read more Mail this post
This is the timeframe and history of the prophets up to the time of the restoration of Jerusalem. Mail this post read more Mail this post
This is an amazing story told by Christine Egbert. She has written a book about how the people of Denmark hid the Jews in WWII when Hitler rolled into Denmark. This story is a true story and should be shared … read more Mail this post
What does the handwriting on the wall mean? What is the 70 years mentioned in the book of Daniel? We discuss then and more . . . Mail this post read more Mail this post