Obama Correspondence Dinner Speech

Maria Williams is the teacher for this program. It is a very eye-opening look at prophecy. She covers the meaning of the Correspondence Speech by President Obama. Mail this post read more Mail this post
Maria Williams is the teacher for this program. It is a very eye-opening look at prophecy. She covers the meaning of the Correspondence Speech by President Obama. Mail this post read more Mail this post
This is the entire story of the giving of the law at Mt. Sinai and the Exodus Journey. Mail this post read more Mail this post
Stephen Spykerman is teaching about the earliest history of Britain and the Druids. It is very detailed information — hope you enjoy! Mail this post read more Mail this post
We are going to cover the history of Baal worship and we are also covering gateways and thresholds. Mail this post read more Mail this post
This is a interview with Tim Mahoney who is the producer of the recent film “Patterns of Evidence”. This film shows the proof that the Exodus occurred and is recorded in history and archaeology. Mail this post read more Mail this post
In this study we will show who the two eagles are in Ezekiel 17. Mail this post read more Mail this post