Is there any history or proof that Esau was the Roman Empire? Does the Bible talk about the Roman Empire?
Is there any history or proof that Esau was the Roman Empire? Does the Bible talk about the Roman Empire?
We will identify some of the people from the Middle East and show you where they are today. There is much evidence showing their identity. Mail this post read more Mail this post
The story of the Maccabees is an unbelievable account of the Kings before the time of the Messiah. How did Herod come to power? Herod was an Edomite. There are many pieces of history around that time that people simply … read more Mail this post
Abraham was written in history. He was on the King’s list in Austria. His descendants would rule from there. He is also mentioned as a Prince in scriptures. Find out more . . . Mail this post read more Mail this post
Who were the Aryans? Are they mentioned in History? What ancient nations made up the Aryans? Mail this post read more Mail this post
According to Jewish historians, the Roman Empire came to be identified with Esau and “Edom”. In medieval rabbinic writing, “Edom” is used to refer to the Byzantine Empire. Story of Romulus and Remus According the Jewish historians, Romulus, the founder … read more Mail this post